Home for the Holidays

United Way of the Piedmont fights for the health, education, and economic of every person in Spartanburg, Cherokee, and Union counties of South Carolina. The mission of UWP is to connect, engage, and inspire people to transform our community.
This Giving Tuesday, UWP will launch their Home for the Holidays campaign, which will fully support our Homeless Prevention Fund. The Homeless Prevention Fund help prevent and end homelessness for families living on the edge in our community.
For a family that has difficulty meeting day-to-day needs, an unexpected expense can mean that housing or utility bills become extremely difficult to pay.
When families get to the point of eviction or service cut-off, the compounded expenses and late fees are much higher than the family can pay, and they have an increased risk of becoming homeless. $1,000 assists 1 family in crisis.
We have an ambitious goal: $20,000 for 20 families. Every dollar matters! And each family we help puts us closer to reaching our 2030 Bold Goal to decrease the number of individuals living below self-sufficiency by 10%.
Share UWP on Giving Tuesday! #uwphome4theholidays #uwpiedmont #uwpliveunited