Neue South marketing created Spartanburg Gives, a nonprofit membership platform, to amplify the efforts of local organizations and connect the community with their needs.

In 2024, we'll be working to deepen our impact with our members through strategic quarterly workshops, resource sharing with our thought partners, peer to peer networking with our members, and of course through our continued amplification of your collective efforts. 2024 Membership Deadline: February 1
Membership Form
2024 Membership Information
Spartanburg Gives is a Benefit Corporation and all members are certified nonprofits.

Amplify your efforts.
Become a Member of Spartanburg Gives.

Introducing Tiered Annual Membership

Simple, flexible, and predictable pricing. Choose which package is best suited for your organization.
Billed Annually Billed Monthly
Support Us
$780 ($65/mo) $65
billed annuallybilled monthly
PR support with local media through one serviced press release for your organization, collectivePR support with local media through one serviced press release for your organization, collective
Social media spotlight and posts amplifying events and volunteer opportunitiesSocial media spotlight and posts amplifying events and volunteer opportunities
Spartanburg Gives blog post highlighting your organizationSpartanburg Gives blog post highlighting your organization
Spotlight in monthly Spartanburg Gives e-blastSpotlight in monthly Spartanburg Gives e-blast
Unlimited event promotion on our community calendarUnlimited event promotion on our community calendar
Spartanburg Gives website page, shop page, and Giving Tuesday campaign page Spartanburg Gives website page, shop page, and Giving Tuesday campaign page
Giving Tuesday amplification and community event Giving Tuesday amplification and community event
Amplification of an additional campaign of your choosingAmplification of an additional campaign of your choosing
Resource sharing and quarterly workshopsResource sharing and quarterly workshops

Media Resources

Videos: We will continue to offer discounted video services from John Gallant/Arken Media coordinated directly with his team. This will not be part of your membership fee and can be paid directly to Arken.

$500 for a 1-2 minute video with one location and 2 interviews (retail $1000)
$1000 for a 2-3 minute video with two locations and 2-3 interview (retail $2500)

Additional Services: We will also offer a 20% discount for any additional design, website, strategic communications, etc. services through Neue South for Spartanburg Gives members in 2024.