Help for Our Elderly


Help for our Elderly‘s Mission is to service, supplement, and enrich the lives of the elderly, disabled, and infirm and their families in the Spartanburg, Cherokee, and Union Counties.


Help for our Elderly was founded with the vision of providing the basic essentials for our community. They serve hundreds of families a month and are steadily growing.

67 % of the elderly and disabled in our area live at or below poverty level. often doing without necessities such as soap, toothpaste, over the counter medicine, and cleaning supplies. They come to Help for Our Elderly broken and dirty.  We provide free laundry supplies, personal hygiene, incontinence and cleaning supplies, and over the counter medicine. They come back the next month for their supplies and they are smiling, they are clean and healthier and happier, they have restored dignity they love their monthly visits to our office. Help for the Elderly’s efforts give the elderly and disabled hope and happiness! They provide durable medical equipment such as canes, walkers, wheelchairs and many other pieces of equipment free to them that they get to keep for a lifetime. Help them to help the people on whose shoulders we stand on,  You can be a champion for the elderly and disabled with your donation today.